Note: Submission of an arts supplement is entirely optional. Students with a well-developed talent in dance, music, theatre, visual arts are welcome to submit a portfolio using the Williams College SlideRoom site. Williams faculty review all portfolios and provide feedback to the Office of Admission which then considered that feedback as one factor in our holistic admission process. Students 7/9/ · Williams College is a small college located in the forests of Massachusetts in idyllic Williamstown. The school has about 2, undergraduates, it’s an intimate vibe, and is known for its high-quality faculty, super small class-size, and its strong liberal arts roots. Williams students *love* interdisciplinary studies. Their acceptance rate The Williams Writing Supplement is entirely optional and is simply an opportunity for you to showcase another writing sample. You can respond to one of the prompts below in an essay of no more than words OR upload an academic paper completed in the last year (preferably from the humanities or social sciences and ideally pages in length). It does not need to be a graded paper.
3 Tips for Writing Your Williams College Supplement
Our Services. Admissions Support. Online Tutoring, williams college supplement. Extracurricular Mentoring. Crimson Internship Program. Crimson Research Institute.
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Extracurricular Opportunities. University Profiles. Our Blog. NOV 18, williams college supplement, Note: The Williams Writing Supplement is entirely optional. While not required, the Williams supplemental questions allow you to express the parts of yourself that admissions officers want to see most, williams college supplement.
This is your chance to make yourself stand out from the thousands of impressive resumes and test scores that Williams admissions officers see williams college supplement year, williams college supplement.
Writing these essays well will drastically improve your chances of being accepted. At Williams we believe that bringing together students and professors in small groups produces extraordinary academic outcomes. Our distinctive Oxford-style tutorial classes—in which two students are guided by a professor in deep exploration of a single topic—are a prime example. Each week the students take turns developing independent work—an essay, a problem set, a piece of art—and critiquing their partner's work.
Focused on close reading, writing and oral defense of ideas, more than 60 tutorials a year are offered across the curriculum, williams college supplement, with titles like Aesthetic Outrage, Financial Crises: Causes and Cures, and Genome Sciences: At the Cutting Edge, williams college supplement.
Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be your partner in the class, and why? Each Sunday night, in a tradition called Storytime, students, faculty and staff gather to hear a fellow community member relate a brief story from their life and to munch on the storyteller's favorite homemade cookies. What story would you share?
What lessons have you drawn from that story, and how would those lessons inform your time at Williams? Every first-year student at Williams lives in an Entry—a thoughtfully constructed microcosm of the student community that's a defining part williams college supplement the Williams experience.
From the moment they arrive, students find themselves in what's likely the most diverse collection of backgrounds, perspectives and interests they've ever encountered. What might differentiate you from the 19 other first-year students in an entry? What perspective s would you add to the conversation with your peers? Williams is a small liberal arts school in western Massachusetts with a rich history and tight-knit community. Williams is all about williams college supplement magical power of small groups interacting - they care about a deeply shared and collaborative academic process.
Williams wants to see how you'll contribute to this process, williams college supplement. What kind of questions will you ask of others and of yourself in a discussion about Toni Morrison's Beloved?
How will you work together with a partner to form new perspectives about the role of CDOs in the financial crisis? What questions would you ask Einstein about gravity?
What kinds of conversations would you be having at AM with your Entry mates? Let's take a look at how to show these parts of yourself through each of these williams college supplement essays. Our distinctive Oxford-style tutorial classes -- in which two students are guided by a professor in deep exploration of a single topic -- are a williams college supplement example. Each week the students take turns developing independent work -- an essay, a problem set, a piece of art -- and critiquing their partner's work.
Imagine someone just asked you to ramble to them about the most interesting person you've read about. Talking about this person and your relationship to them intellectually tells the reader a lot about you: what ideas and williams college supplement you have inherited from them directly, where you as the "student" may differ from the person, and potentially how you relate in real life to others with whom you interact, learn, and disagree along your intellectual journey.
More important than who you talk about is why you want to work with them. I would love the opportunity to be able to hash out questions about music cognition and pedagogy with music education YouTuber Adam Neely. As a young jazz musician, I went through the process of practicing williams college supplement songs, scales, and chords my teacher insisted I memorized, but I often questioned the things I was studying: "Major doesn't always sound happy to me - why was it taught to me as happy?
When I found Adam's video about that very question, I became obsessed with his curiosity about and explanations of music teaching dogmas. In a tutorial with Adam, I would go on quests to find out things like why most pop songs are structured in the same way. What proportion of top 40 songs has deviated from traditional form and by how much?
What might explain this? Adam boils music down to its fundamental elements and constructs arguments from basic principles. When he has a bias, he openly admits it, and he's not afraid to be unsure of something.
This willingness to put curiosity and the process of asking questions over the desire to be correct is a trait that I highly admire and try to emulate in my own life. His williams college supplement and ability to create and defend ideas and frameworks that isolate williams college supplement in the rather nebulous process of learning music make him an ideal partner for a two-person deep dive into a topic that fascinates us in similar ways.
The second essay similarly uses a Williams tradition to give you a chance to show them a side of you not reflected in the rest of your application. Again, the key here is sincerity. Storytelling can be a great way to show someone who you are instead of just telling them.
If you appreciate lightheartedness and consider yourself a fun or funny person, tell a story that shows that, williams college supplement. If you find a lot of beauty in a time in your life or a relationship of yours, talk about that. What story would you tell a group of friends? What gives you the feels? What makes you smile when you think about it? This story should make them want to hang out with you.
It couldn't hurt to let them know what your favorite cookies are to bake! Just be authentic. Every first-year student at Williams lives in an Entry -- a thoughtfully constructed microcosm of the student community that's a defining part of the Williams experience. The third essay option is in some ways similar to the second in that it's a way for you to differentiate yourself using your background and the things that matter most to you.
Get specific here! Make sure you don't leave this one surface deep; don't rest on labels or definitions or platitudes or buzzwords or cliches. Talk about lessons learned from your mom value systems: the way you always turn off the lights when you want to share your music with someone. The goal here is not to write a manifesto on williams college supplement personality. Find ONE THING that is unique to your experiences or relationships williams college supplement really go deep into it.
Ask yourself: is someone else likely writing about this? If yes - are they likely writing about it in a similar way? If yes, choose something else. Good luck with these essays and just remember to be sincere, honest, and vulnerable, and you will be golden! APR 21, MAR 22, FEB 18, LET'S TALK.
How to Ace the Williams college supplement College Supplement Essay NOV 18, williams college supplement,
GPC - Williams College Info Session
, time: 40:33
The Williams Writing Supplement is entirely optional and is simply an opportunity for you to showcase another writing sample. You can respond to one of the prompts below in an essay of no more than words, OR upload an academic paper (preferably from the humanities or social sciences) completed in the last academic year. Prompts: 1. All-Campus Entertainment (ACE), a student Williams College supplement essay 1. At Williams we believe that bringing together students and professors in small groups produces extraordinary academic outcomes. Our distinctive Oxford-style tutorial classes -- in which two students are guided by a professor in deep exploration of a single topic -- are a prime example. Each week the students take turns developing independent work -- an 7/9/ · Williams College is a small college located in the forests of Massachusetts in idyllic Williamstown. The school has about 2, undergraduates, it’s an intimate vibe, and is known for its high-quality faculty, super small class-size, and its strong liberal arts roots. Williams students *love* interdisciplinary studies. Their acceptance rate
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