22/5/ · White Paper Format. Manual. A good example is “How to take care of your nails at home in a week.” It contains clear instructions: do it once, do it twice, do it three times – it is a good white paper, for example, for a beauty trainer or a home cosmetologist. A selection of useful things This sample lists three industry challenges, using the structure of a problem/ solution white paper. Every existing approach (hard copies, couriers, faxes, e-mail, CDs, flash drives) is dismissed in turn; this is a sign of a problem/solution white paper. Sample used with permission of Aconex How to Write and Format a White Paper (With Examples) 1. What is a white paper? A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to 2. White paper examples. 3. How to write a white paper. 4. Mistakes a white paper should avoid. 5
36 White Paper Examples | Free & Premium Templates
Click on any thumbnail below to download that PDF. These are just a few of the white papers I have worked on. A backgrounder gives a deep dive into the features and benefits of a certain product or service. That makes this flavor as predictable as vanilla ice cream. It often gives the product white papers examples, and provides many technical details. Those are sure signs of a backgrounder, aimed at a B2B prospect near the bottom of the sales funnel. Samples used with permission of Okiok.
A numbered list provides a set of tips, white papers examples, questions or points about a certain issue, promising a quick and easy read. This sample lists seven questions that health insurance companies in the U. should ask hospitals. Notice how each question is covered in a single page leaving white space as needed. Thanks to Health Plus Technologies for permission to use this sample. Problem : Poor cash management and forecasting wastes a lot of money.
Existing solutions : Spreadsheets, accounting systems, ERP, CMS. Recommendation : Automate the purchase-to-pay process to save costs and cut errors. Sample used with permission of Basware.
Try this mashup when you want to provide a lighter take on how to solve an industry problem. This flavor is like a mix of strawberry and chocolate ice cream. Sample used with permission of Aconex. Try this mix when you want to lighten up a backgrounder or spread some product-specific FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt on competitors.
This flavor is like a mix of strawberry and vanilla ice cream. Sample used with permission of eXplorance. If you need help white papers examples the perfect flavor for your next white paper drop me an e-mail to Gordon ThatWhitePaperGuy. Subscribe here to stay in the know on long-form content, white papers examples. And you can unsubscribe any time. Worked on white papers on everything from choosing enterprise software to designing virtual worlds for kids, for clients from Silicon Valley to Switzerland, from household names like Google and Verizon to tiny startups with big ideas.
Wrote White Papers for Dummies white papers examples earned more than 50 5-star white papers examples on Amazon. And named Copywriter of the Year by AWAI, the world's leading training organization for professional copywriters. These are great. Can these templates all be designed with Microsoft Word white papers examples are there other White Paper programs that people use?
The other samples on this page were all done by professional designers, I believe they all used InDesign. You white papers examples do a lot with Word, but no white papers examples designer wants to use it because it lacks precise controls for typography and graphics.
This page provides some samples of each flavor. Flavor 1: The Backgrounder A backgrounder gives a deep dive into the features and benefits of a certain product or service, white papers examples. click to see PDF, white papers examples. Posted in Getting StartedWriting B2B Content.
About Gordon Graham Worked on white papers on everything from choosing enterprise software to designing virtual worlds for kids, for clients from Silicon Valley to Switzerland, from household names like Google and Verizon to tiny startups with big ideas. If you liked this post You asked us: Where do I find white paper clients? So you have to write a white paper… Got a white paper project on your hands?
But you're not sure where to begin? Here are Gordon Graham on February 20, at pm. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Comment Name required Email will not be published required Website, white papers examples.
What Is A White Paper? - Brian Boys, author of \
, time: 3:3120+ White Paper Examples (Design Guide + Templates)

How to Write and Format a White Paper (With Examples) 1. What is a white paper? A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to 2. White paper examples. 3. How to write a white paper. 4. Mistakes a white paper should avoid. 5 8/9/ · The white paper example below has a format that’s easy to customize for any industry. Its straightforward table of contents and simple design elements keep the focus on the text. Go ahead and customize this template with our intuitive drag-and-drop editor The Best White Paper Examples for Nonprofits. 1. Human Rights and Australia’s Foreign Policy. Why do we like this? 2. Extending US Biodiversity Collections to Promote and Collections. Why do we like this? 3. Under the Radar: Degradation in Canada’s Boreal Forest and Climate Consequences. Why do we
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