SOCIAL WORK IN THE UNITED States is a profession about promoting change and offering services. In the three rings of performance that have constituted U.S. social work since its beginnings—practicing with people, communities, and organizations; advocating with and for clients; and creating social work knowledge—there have arisen features of social work writing that are consistent across Readers learn by doing through exercises interspersed throughout. Written by a social work professor and an English professor, the book provides a fusion of writing and practice, covering all the tools necessary for developing professional social work writing skills. Key Features Part of the BASW Professionals in Practice Webinar Series. The production of written texts is a high-stakes activity in professional social work, playing a central role in all decisions about services and simultaneously used to evaluate social workers’ professional competence. Case notes and recording of contact with service users are frequently
Wisp – writing in social work practice – Writing in social work practice
Case notes and recording of contact with service users are frequently the target of criticism in fitness to practice concerns and public media reporting. Despite its significance, little empirical research has been carried out on writing in professional practice. Professor Theresa Lillis, Professor Emeritus, English Language and Applied Linguistics, The Open University will share the findings of writing for practice research carried out by the Open University and join in the discussion about building resources to support social workers implementing best practice in recording.
Lisa Lewis, Practice Manager at Barnardo's Fostering and Adoption Yorkshire will be co-presenting alongside Theresa. Members register here. You are here Home, professional writing for social work practice. Writing in professional social work practice: from key research findings to usable resources. Professional Development Hours. Members register here Non-members please register using the pink 'Book Now' button below. COVID 19 BASW action during COVID Resources during COVID Test, Safe Access, Promote Rights What we do Campaigns Anti-austerity and anti-poverty Professional working conditions Relationship-based practice Homelessness World Social Work Day Amazing social workers professional writing for social work practice a celebration of all social workers!
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Reflective writing in social work. Social Work Student Connect Wednesday Webinar 4
, time: 1:16:2724/10/ · Dan Weisman, author of "Professional Writing on Social Work Practice," discusses what makes this book better than other books on blogger.com the Book:Many 13/2/ · Social workers write a lot and their writing has a major impact on people's lives. The complexity of their writing task arises because they must deal with confidential client information while The production of written texts is a high-stakes activity in professional social work, playing a central role in all decisions about services and simultaneously used to evaluate social workers’ professional competence. Social work writing (often referred to as recording or paperwork) is frequently the target of criticism in reviews and public media reporting. Despite its significance, little empirical research has
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