19/4/ · A REFLECTIVE ESSAY This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome. Reflection is an everyday process and is very personal matter Reflective Essay on Communication Essay Example Boyd and Fales () offer a useful definition of reflection, suggesting that it is “the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective Personal Reflection: In the course I have learned that effective business communication is the key for organizations to move forward. The last few weeks have been a great learning experience for me where I have learned about various aspects of effective business communication
Reflective Essay on Business Communication – MakeMyAssignments Blog
In the course I have learned that effective business communication is the key for organizations to move forward. The last few weeks have been a great learning experience for me where I have learned about various aspects of effective business communication.
I have learned about the open and the closed communication systems. Using the Open Systems Theory in organizations can create certain challenges. For example, large corporations include several internal departments which may face challenges in determining how to implement open systems for some departments while maintaining other departments as closed systems.
In some organizations, some departments business communication reflective essay closed systems due to specialized nature of the department and it is assumed to function better in a closed system this way. The learning from each of the six modules of the course can be discussed as:.
This was the first module of the course that lays down the foundation of the entire business communication reflective essay. My reflection on the two of the learning concepts and one of the assigned journal article can be discussed as:.
Learning Concept 1: Professional communication and ethics of effective communication. Learning Concept 2: Communication process and types of communication verbal, non-verbal and listening. Journal Article: The role of non-verbal communication in service encounters: A conceptual framework.
Gabbot, M. The role of non-verbal communication in service encounters: A conceptual framework. In is in those actions, followers would be grounded in the overall culture of the organization. There is also a valid point from the communications aspect. The role of non-verbal communication is particularly more important in service encounters as consumers may make their decision based on the expression of customer executive.
I have also learned about various types of communication like verbal, business communication reflective essay, non-verbal and listening.
In an informal setting, the verbal communication is the most common form of communication. The non verbal communication like eye-contact, expressions are also a powerful form of communication, business communication reflective essay. I have learned that the people can face certain challenges to exercise the non-verbal form of communication. I believe that I have decent communication skills and I can communicate effectively with different stakeholders in the organization.
There is definitely a scope of improvement and I believe that I am on a continuous learning path of communication and ethics business communication reflective essay communication. As a conclusion, I can say that listening is also an important form of communication and it is important that the people should have good listening skills. If I want myself in a stage where people listen to me then I should first listen to other people.
In this module I have learned about the presentation techniques. A leader must be careful about the use of some words in the workplace, business communication reflective essay.
While some words may not mean anything sensitive to the leader, it may mean a big deal to others. Learning Concept 1: Art of oral presentations and training presentations.
Journal Article: Winning more business by using presentations as part of a solution roadmap. Lipson, R. Winning more business by using presentations as part of a solution roadmap.
American Salesman, 60 9 Finding ways to align all parts of the organization and communicate is clearly is a great way to do this. I have seen organizations spend a lot of time creating a strong strategic plan on paper and then implement it in a different way or not clearly communicate the plan resulting in a mess, business communication reflective essay. This gap could be bridged with effective training presentations.
In this module I have learned that the presentations are effective only when they can catch the attraction of audience. There is no science to make this happen. However, the presenter can take several small steps to ensure that the presentations are effective in nature.
I believe that delivering the oral and the training presentations are an art and it is important that the business professionals should learn this art. When I think about my presentation skills, I can say that I do not have very effective presentations skills. I still face certain challenges while making the presentation. One of the most basic challenge for me while doing any business communication reflective essay is to understand the audience. However, I would also like to say that I have learned a lot about the art of making presentation.
This course has provided me a platform where I have learned about the intricacies involved in effective presentations making skills, business communication reflective essay.
There is definitely a scope of improvement and I believe that I would be able to improve on my presentation skills, business communication reflective essay. It is also important that the formal training presentations should be targeted to increase the employability skills of individuals. I wanted to highlight that Employability includes more than just skills and experience you are also dealing with human beings who demonstrate prejudice so learning if there are any general judgments that take place in the industry you are trying to break in to could help you become a more attractive prospect.
In this module, I have also learned about the various ways to keep audience engaged. I believe that effective listening is a simple but a powerful way to keep audience engaged.
As a presenter, it is important to listen to all the comments of audience. I have also learned that the presentation or any other material should be interactive in nature.
The audience would be engaged in the presentation if they can ask the questions and they can be pull into the interaction mode. I have few of the skills and I always try to create interactive presentations. However, it would be correct to say that there is no end to the learning and this module or this course has provided me a platform to learn about the various ways to conduct the oral and training presentations.
Learning Concept 2: Genres of written communication Reports, Mails and Resumes. Journal Article: Positioning Resumes and Cover Letters as Reflective-Reflexive Process. Randazzo, business communication reflective essay, C.
Positioning Resumes and Cover Letters as Reflective-Reflexive Process. Business Communication Quarterly, 75 4 Business communication reflective essay, developing this skill is one of my main priorities and on my current agenda. My initial steps for securing the role include being successful in the degree I am currently undertaking, understanding the value of reflecting and putting the skills and knowledge I learn in to practice in real life scenarios which I have found effective to date.
On graduation of this course I would like to be knowledgeable about business so I can set a good example to the organisation and people who I manage on a day to day basis. The barriers and challenges that I currently face are that the job market is competitive, business communication reflective essay is widely noted in many papers that graduates face tougher challenges due to the volume of applications employers receive when applying for graduate positions.
In this module I business communication reflective essay learned that it is important to have effective resume so that the employability skills are improved. In this module, I learned about the various genres of effective business communication like report writing, email communication, etc. I have learned that the resumes should only have precise information.
It is also important that the resume should communicate the entire story of the job candidate. Personally, I like the resumes that are short and crisp, business communication reflective essay. I like the resumes that are one page or maximum two pages in length. Before starting this module, I was not aware of the need of the cover page. In this module I learned that cover page is a powerful platform that would enable the candidates to get the immediate attention of recruiters.
Therefore, it is important that the candidates should not only focus on the resume but also on the Cover Page. The Cover Page should contain only the relevant information, business communication reflective essay.
It is also important that the people should use the professional fonts. As a conclusion to the learning of this module, I can say that the skills we will need includes: Communication skills such as active listening, clarification, reflection, effective questioning skills, building good rapport that will create trust, empathetic skills rather than sympathetic as this will help you to ask the appropriate questions that lead to positive results and outcomes.
We should always ask for Feedbacks as this will help you to continuously improve the skills, business communication reflective essay. This module has also helped me to increase my report making skills. Today, I can say that the reports should be developed in a formal manner. For example, the reports should start with an Executive Summary and it should have effective Conclusion. All these skills are important to learn that I have learned in this module. Learning Concept 1: Understanding the process of group decision making.
Journal Article: Meetings matter: Effects of team meetings on team and organizational success. Kauffeld, business communication reflective essay, S. Meetings matter: Effects of team meetings on team and organizational success. Small Group Research, 43 2 The nature of our workplaces has changed.
We have moved away from the monochromic make-up of our offices to one that is now colored by team members from all over the world.
Business leaders send a powerful message when they demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion that goes beyond rhetoric. I do agree to a large extent especially in the context where the culture of the people has room to embrace to acceptable way to grow a company in this global setting.
It is true that leaders must respect people's local culture. Working for an organization with many departments often affords the opportunity to work or meet in cross-functional teams. An example is out operating department includes three sub-departments; engineering, mechanical, and transportation. While we are all working towards the same goals we often have separate goals or objectives conflicting with each other.
One of the greatest challenges that I have seen in a cross-functional team is the skewed goals and their priorities. This tends to create the lack of interest and concern since the employees across platforms are not being measured nor compensated with the same measuring tool. I have learned that in the process of group decision making, Leadership is important. The key with the leadership style is that leaders do set clear and concise expectations and consequences.
At least staff knows the line and what to expect.
Gibbs' Reflective Cycle Explained
, time: 8:47Effective Business Communication: Personal Reflection

27/9/ · Reflective Essay On Business Communication - Assignment. REFECTIVE ESSAY This is a reflective essay which would help me in analysing my shortfalls and the weaknesses which I have particularly in my communication skills. Communication is deemed as the heart and soul of coordinating and sustaining the professional working life 19/5/ · Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Communication Skills — Reflective Journal on Business Communication This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers Reflective Essay on Communication Essay Example Boyd and Fales () offer a useful definition of reflection, suggesting that it is “the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective
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